Thank you for stopping by our Children's Ministries Department! Children’s Ministries is about working with parents, and developing resources that foster the faith of children, aged from birth through to fourteen, to make them disciples. Adopting the mission of our world church, our department looks to work with parents and other persons that may have any spiritual influence on children, to connect them to a lifelong, loving relationship with Jesus. To achieve this goal, we seeks to provide ideas and activities for parents/ guardians and their children that will lead them to Jesus and disciple them in their daily walk with Him. Our main wish is that every child may encounter Jesus as personal Saviour and best Friend.
Our Aim
To provide all children, regardless of socio-economic or cultural background, an opportunity to know and love Jesus Christ.
Our Staff
Our Children's Ministries Department is administrated by a highly motivated team who have a heartfelt passion for what they do.
Links & Resources
Counsel of the Month
“Some Parents Are Responsible for Disrespect—When parents permit a child to show them disrespect in childhood, allowing them to speak pettishly and even harshly, there will be a dreadful harvest to be reaped in after years. When parents fail to require prompt and perfect obedience in their children, they fail to lay the right foundation of character in their little ones. They prepare their children to dishonor them when they are old, and bring sorrow to their hearts when they are nearing the grave, unless the grace of Christ changes the hearts and transforms the characters of their children.”
― Ellen G. White, The Adventist Home, Pg. 362