Adventist Community Service

We welcome you to our webpage. We are passionate about helping people. As a team, we endeavour to follow the example of Jesus our Master -who did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Here are a few videos of happenings without our ministry. We trust that you will be blessed and motivated as you watch.

February 5, 2022 | ACS Launch, Part 1

March 12, 2022 | ACS Launch, Part 2

April 7, 2022 | ACS Convention [Thursday Afternoon Sessions]

April 8, 2022 | ACS Convention, Friday Morning Sessions, Part 1

April 8, 2022 | ACS Convention, Friday Morning Sessions, Part 2

April 8, 2022 | ACS Convention, Friday Morning Sessions, Part 3

April 8, 2022 | ACS Convention, Friday Morning Session 4

April 8, 2022 | ACS Convention, Friday Afternoon Sessions, Part 1

April 8, 2022 | ACS Convention, Friday Afternoon Sessions, Part 2

Bring Life Into Your Home

Add a touch of nature into your home with our beautiful collection of plants. We have a huge collection of cactuses, money plants and other indoor plants that will brighten up your living room. You can also browse our outdoor plants collection to decorate your patio, balconies and other outdoor spaces

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Plant Care Tips

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Gardening Services

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Our Products

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Deals Of The Day

Grab the best offer available today before it is gone. We have a huge collection of cactuses, money plants and other indoor plants that will brighten up your living room.

Oasis Bloom

Add a touch of nature into your home with our beautiful collection of plants
$70.00 $60.00

Latest Products

Add a touch of nature into your home with our beautiful collection of plants. We have a huge collection of cactuses, money plants and other indoor plants.

Discover The Magic Of Indoor Gardening

Choosing The Right Indoors Plants

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