Loving God. Loving Each Other.
A Place to Call Home
Adopting the mission of our General Conference, our Family Ministries focuses on people in relationship. It is a ministry that provides tools to help individuals communicate more effectively, deepen commitment in marriage, and assist in becoming better parents. Family Ministries helps families grow in love and live in harmony as the family of God.
Every family is different. At Ebenezer, we seek to provide resources aimed at strengthening the various family relationships within our church. This we do through special programs, workshops, and planned social events. In all of this, we still are aware of our limitations. So we are able to source other professional help for families in certain situations.
Ebenezer is a caring place to grow.
Family Bits
“It is in the home that the education of the child is to begin. Here is his first school. Here, with his parents as instructors, he is to learn the lessons that are to guide him throughout life—lessons of respect, obedience, reverence, self-control.”
-Child Guidance, Pg. 17, E.G. White.
Here Are Some Great Free Family Resources
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